We work alongside families and solicitors providing assessment and on-going case management for medico-legal purposes. We have a wealth of experience in all aspects of case management. We are able to put teams of independent therapists and other professionals in place, from our vast working network of therapists, in order to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients.
MSP Case Management Ltd have an extensive network of therapists who work alongside us to provide therapeutic assessment and therapy input
We’re passionate about our roles and always believe that our clients and their families are at the centre of our case management services
- Comprehensive assessment of a client’s needs.
- Advocacy for the client and their family.
- Setting up support packages and on-going co-ordination of them.
- Running Payroll.
- Ensuring that all the client’s needs are met: physically, emotionally and psychologically.
- Assisting the family to secure funding and provision of therapeutic services for their child and instructing therapists from our vast network of therapists such as Physiotherapists, Speech & Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Assistive Technology Specialists, Dieticians and Neuropsychologists.
- Assisting families in their communication with statutory services.
- Working in partnership with schools and colleges; attending meetings and reviews as appropriate.
- Supporting the child and their family through the process of provision of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), including the appeal process if necessary.
- Ensuring the child and their parents are receiving the correct level of benefits.
- Acting as a link between families and solicitors.
- Assisting families with specialist holidays.
- Ensuring the client has all the equipment they require.
- Assisting families to find suitable properties and coordinate any adaptations.
- Mental Capacity Assessments under the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 and its accompanying Code of Practice.
This list is not exhaustive and case management will be tailored to give a bespoke service.
We are extremely passionate about our roles and always believe that our clients and their families are at the centre of case management. We provide input at a level they feel comfortable with and in a timely manner.